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Simple Person
yEe tInG21 12 jUnE 1986 a typical gEmInI sLoggiNg hard @ work?
dAy-dReaMinGblOggiNg sUrpRiSes hEr dAr hEr sI dAngzz
tErEsAwAnxIn jAcK LuNa kAtHeRiNe tA07 mIcheLLe yVoNnE vAneSsa LiNa jOaNna sUyI zIhUi meLissA cHeryL vIncEnT kEvIn mAiNe sHaOpInG
Friday, June 10, 2005
iTs the 100th day today..! i din noe.. till he tell me sooo..! haa! how sweet.. he actually counts the days lorzz..! haahh! but one bad thing is like counting 100 days for dead ppl like dat... hahaha! oOooppss..! but anyway.. thanks dar..! :) haa! skipped lecture today coz FIT was totally boring n i dun understand a bloody thing anyway.. so.. no use sitting at the lecture hall..! hahha.. sOoooo.. after much persuading from lyn.. we finally went to have pizza la..! was quite cheap anyway.. one person was like 8 bucks lorzz..! after dat was own programmes le..! went to bugis with dar to shop shop.. shop finish then go home le lorzzz..!yesterday was listening at this conversation.. n she was like saying... ke yi yong qian jie jue de wen ti jiu bu shi wen ti.. which means.. anything dat can use money to solve den its no longer a problem.. but i was like... wht the hell..! how can u say dat..! i dun understand la.. but u mean to save some pride for others can..! i juz dun like the phrase la..! like as if money is everything..! haa.! anyway.. iM going wild wild wet tml with my peeps from a07! hahaha..!! |