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Simple Person
yEe tInG21 12 jUnE 1986 a typical gEmInI sLoggiNg hard @ work?
dAy-dReaMinGblOggiNg sUrpRiSes hEr dAr hEr sI dAngzz
tErEsAwAnxIn jAcK LuNa kAtHeRiNe tA07 mIcheLLe yVoNnE vAneSsa LiNa jOaNna sUyI zIhUi meLissA cHeryL vIncEnT kEvIn mAiNe sHaOpInG
Thursday, June 02, 2005
have fit tutorial today at lvl 5 of blk 72.. wah piang! the air con there powerful siak.. damm bloody cold.. everyone at there shivering siak..! its so cold.. next time i have tutorial there make sure bring thick thick de jacket.. haa..! well.. formed project grp today la.. for the FIT la..! damm bloody irritated..! i dun understand y can ppl b so selfish.. u dun wan them we oso dun wan them wht... y r we the one not given the choice to choose??? we agreed on taking each of them for one sem le ma.. den y make the changes?? sianzz noe..! selfish! but anyway... project grp for FIT is formed.. n i bet some r not happy with them? but wht can i do? i only do the writing?? ok la.. abit on planning la..! but no choice ma.. no one can decide.. haa! so i do la..! den i happily happily write lorzz..! sorry if i put anyone of u in a grp dat u dun like la..! it wasnt on purpose..!oh anyway.. went shopping with maine after skool today... yet.. zhuo zhen.. its town again..! haa..! bought a top from four skins.. den buy the belt from WH n a necklace too..!! haa..! boooo! |